Thursday, April 12, 2012

21st Century Persecutions, So Are We Ready For This? Part II

Not lot time ago, I wrote a blog about Christians being persecuted and I have an article there about a Christian that was charged because he was Christian.
Here is His Family 
Today, I read an article that other Christian were called in the courtroom to be charged.  Unfortunately, both cases happened in Iran.  
 Those are one of the most brave Christian living to day. They are not ashamed and not afraid to call them selves Christians. It is not that easy to be falsely accused  of a crime and be killed or put in prison when you know that you are not guilty.  Even thou I never been persecuted because I am Christian, I have relative that were. My uncle was charged during the Soviet Union and was in prison because he was a believer. The Soviet Union collapsed and there is not persecution there any more, however, there other parts of the world were Christian charged just because they believe differently  the main ideology of the Government or majority.

Here is the link to the article: Christian Convicted in Iran
Check my first blog about same topic: 21st Century Persecution 

1 comment:

  1. i don't understand why u are a christian when islam is the true religion. salam!
