Friday, March 16, 2012

21st Century Persecutions, So Are We Ready For This? Part I


We complain about our lives a lot even though we have all that is necessary to live. My people in the world do not have food to eat or water to drink. On  the other hand , we open the refrigerator and we don't know what to choose to eat because there is a lot food in there and is hard to choose. Moreover, there are  people that suffer even more. There are countries around the world, where people are persecuted if they have different ideas, opinion or religion than the Government or the majority in that country. Not long time ago I read an article about a man that was found guilt and convicted just because he stood for his ideas.  Go to this webpage if you want to read more about: Most of us think that in the 21st century will not here  about something like this. However, even today there countries where people are persecuted for believing in Jesus Christ. And even today there are people that are willing to die for him. Now the questions is: Are we ready to die for him?

Please comment on my blog, I would like you opinion. Thank You!

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