Thursday, April 12, 2012

21st Century Persecutions, So Are We Ready For This? Part II

Not lot time ago, I wrote a blog about Christians being persecuted and I have an article there about a Christian that was charged because he was Christian.
Here is His Family 
Today, I read an article that other Christian were called in the courtroom to be charged.  Unfortunately, both cases happened in Iran.  
 Those are one of the most brave Christian living to day. They are not ashamed and not afraid to call them selves Christians. It is not that easy to be falsely accused  of a crime and be killed or put in prison when you know that you are not guilty.  Even thou I never been persecuted because I am Christian, I have relative that were. My uncle was charged during the Soviet Union and was in prison because he was a believer. The Soviet Union collapsed and there is not persecution there any more, however, there other parts of the world were Christian charged just because they believe differently  the main ideology of the Government or majority.

Here is the link to the article: Christian Convicted in Iran
Check my first blog about same topic: 21st Century Persecution 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Evolution and Creationism - Both Have Religious Bases

Many Scientist are seeking the origin of life. They divide in to categories: Evolutionists and Creationist. The Evolutionists believe that all the living thing that we have today evolved during many-many years. The Creationist believed that the all living thing was created.

The Evolutions believe that many years ago was a big bang from a dot like at dot on this page (.).  So the dot exploded and all the planets, stars, and galaxies were formed. It was raining on the Earth (a lot of rain) for many-many years and formed something like a soup. In the soup the life was formed. Those life creatures evolved and went through many changes until they became what we see today.
The Creationists believe that God (Higher Intelligence) created all living thing, planes and Galaxies. They have as a base the Bible.

 I believe that Evolution Theory and Creation Theory have religions bases. Even thou Evolutions believe that they have as base science, however when you go dipper in the theory you can see that it look more like a story. 

I believe that so far we don’t evidence that evolution happened. Yes, I agree that we have animals that have something similar, but that does to prove that evolution happened. We have many missing chains.
If you believe in evolution you have to ask yourself a question: “Why we don’t see evolution today?”  What I mean by that, if evolutions really happened that why we don’t have animals that are in process of involving. For example: if humans evolved from monkey that probably we should have half monkey half human creatures. 

Now, what story it is easy to believe, the organic soup and evolution created the todays living world or a Creator created all living creatures? Also, I would like to know what is the science behind evolution?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

How To Connect a Bluetooth Mouse

I notice that there are users that have problem to connect a Bluetooth mouse especially Windows 7  users. In this blog I am posting a video and instruction that might help you to successfully connect your Bluetooth mouse to you device.

1. Video Instructions  

2. Written Instructions (Win7/Vista/XP)
How to make sure that the Bluetooth service is started
  1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in for Services. To do this, follow these steps.

    Windows Vista or Windows 7
    1. Click StartVista Start Button, copy and then paste (or type) the following command in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER: services.msc
    2. In the Programs list, click Services.
      Security Shield
      If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Continue.
    Windows XP
    1. Click Start, and then click Run.
    2. Copy and then paste (or type) the following command in the Open box, and then press ENTER: services.msc
  2. Double-click the Bluetooth Support service.
  3. If the Bluetooth Support service is stopped, click Start.
  4. On the Startup type list, click Automatic.
  5. Click the Log On tab.
  6. Click Local System account.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If you prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.

 “Startup type” – choose automatically

Bluetooth Support Services Properties

Bluetooth Power Management Setting

Control Panel =>Device Manager, expanded “Bluetooth Radios”, and double-clicked on the device to open its Properties page – not the enumerator, the device.
Double click the device (highlighted), not the enumerator
Double click the device (highlighted), not the enumerator
Go to the Power Management tab and clear the checkbox “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”.
Uncheck 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'
Uncheck =>'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'
In addition, make sure: a) Bluetooth on your device is on, b) your mouse is visible (if not click the Bluetooth button on the back of the mouse for few seconds), c) If your device asks to pair choose pair without the code (for mouse there is no cod unless is specified in the instruction), d) after you did step a & b you might reboot you device for better results. 

Enjoy using your Bluetooth mouse!

Please comment , or let me know if you need other instructions.